St. Laurent Adult Centre Students Share Message on Stage

The St. Laurent Adult Education Centre’s script writing and set design class invited fellow students, staff and EMSB officials to their performance of Four Short Act Plays on Life’s Experiences and Overcoming Obstacles recently.
This school offers academic courses leading to a high school diploma, prerequisite courses for vocational, CEGEP,and university admission, and basic English and French courses. This year, Drama and English teacher Lina Maiorano introduced a script writing and set design class. Students began the course with an empty page. They were challenged to create characters, plots, messages they’d like to convey, set and costumes, and music to accompany their scenes.
The students chose to perform four short act plays that focused on life’s experiences and overcoming obstacles. The first play, In a perfect world, set up conflictual relationships that show love and honesty conquering money and selfish intents. Bad boys don’t win addressed bullying, sharing poignant messages that fighting is not cool, respecting people is. In The grass is always greener, and Love Triangle, students shared the trials and tribulations of romance and how being kind and caring is a better formula for success and happiness, than jealousy and self-satisfying behaviour.
St. Laurent students acted with confidence and conviction. Their message of compassion weaved through each short play, leaving their audience engaged, with profound messages to think and talk about. Using drama and humour, the students shone, delving into their characters with emotion and passion that allowed us to get to know and understand them.
Set and costumes design, along with catchy music, provided the appropriate tone for each scene in this entertaining show. The actors and back stage managers did an excellent job in moving each scene along seamlessly. Principal of St. Laurent Adult Education Centre Daniela Lattanzio congratulated Ms. Maiorano and the students by stating. “You were amazing. We were blown away by your talent, and all that you accomplished in 12 weeks.”