Admission Fees
Application Fee for the Letter of Acceptance (LOA)
  • There is a $250 fee (non refundable) payable in advance to receive the Letter of Acceptance.
  • If an agency/agent/parent requests a second LOA for the same student (for whatever reason) a fee of $100 will be required
  • The following modes of payment will be accepted: money order, certified cheque, credit card (MasterCard or Visa) or wire transfer to the EMSB
Tuition Fee
Tuition Fee High School Tuition Insurance Total
Full Year Tuition
(10 months - August to June)
$13,400 CAD $600 CAD $14,000 CAD
First Semester Tuition Only
(5 months - August to January)
$6,700 CAD $300 CAD $7,000 CAD

Tuition Fee includes
  • Registration Fee
  • Administration Fee
  • Emergency Health Insurance (
  • Mental Health Support (I.M Well)
  • English Placement Exam (Vital English)
  • Montreal Orientation day
  • 3-4 Field Trips during the school year
Schools Fees (not included in tuition fees)

The school fees range from $100 CAD to $500 CAD depending on the selection of school activities, academic program. These fees are paid directly to the school, at the beginning of the school year.

  • The full tuition fees must be paid by May 31st
  • The following modes of payment will be accepted: money order, certified cheque, credit card (MasterCard or Visa) or wire transfer to the EMSB
  • Cash payments are not accepted - No personal cheques
  • Any future refunds if applicable, will be made to the person who paid the tuition fee
  • All student applications will be completed online with an EMSB administrative technician, however, before being processed, the EMSB must receive payment for the Letter of Acceptance (LOA).
Refund Policy

1. A full refund will be granted if Immigration Canada (Study Permit) and/or Immigration Quebec (CAQ) refuses the application.

Administration and Tuition Fees $13,400 CAD
Health Insurance $600 CAD
Total $14,000 CAD

2. A partial refund will be granted if the student withdraws 30 days prior to the start of the program.

Administration and Tuition Fees $13,400 CAD
Health Insurance $600 CAD
Non refundable Administration Fees -$1,000 CAD
Total $13,000 CAD

3. Partial or no refunds will be granted if:

  1. There is death or serious illness of the student or a member of the student’s immediate family that requires the student to return home. (Appropriate documentation will be required)
  2. The student’s mother or father receives a Study Permit or a Temporary Work Permit. (Appropriate documentation will be required)
Partial Refund No Refund
If the student leaves during the first semester (between September 1st to January 31st) If the student leaves during the second semester semester (between February 1st and June 23rd)
Administration and Tuition Fees $6,700 CAD Administration and Tuition Fees $0 CAD
Health Insurance $0 CAD Health Insurance $0 CAD
Non-Refundable Administration Fees -$1,000 CAD Non-Refundable Administration Fees $0 CAD
Partial Refund $5,700 CAD No Refund $0 CAD

4. No refund will be given if one of the following conditions applies:

  • The student withdraws after the start of the program.
  • The student is unable to perform, or is not performing to a reasonable academic standard to be determined by the school administration and the school board.
  • The Study Permit or the CAQ is revoked by Immigration Canada or Immigration Quebec for just cause.
  • The student engages in an illegal activity or breaches school policy/regulation/rules/ or code of conduct and must return home.
  • Student/parent falsifies mandatory documents (including but not limited to report cards or pre-arrival English testing) or medical information and/or pre-existing conditions not disclosed.
  • The student and/or family has received or applied for either “Refugee Status” or “Certificat de Sélection du Québec (CSQ).”