COVID-19 Newsletter #7

Welcome to the seventh edition of our COVID-19 newsletter, where you will find information regarding the latest Ministry of Education directives and Public Health guidelines, as well as answers to some of the most frequently asked questions from parents and students.
The EMSB will continue to implement COVID-19 Ministry protocols for the 2020-2021 school year.
- You have questions, we have answers! We invite you to have a look at our COVID-19/back-to-school FAQ, which is regularly updated. It currently features over 75 questions and answers.
- For information on the Back-to-School Plan featured in previous newsletters, click here.
- Should you have additional questions, please contact us.
A Special Message to EMSB Families Who Need Support During the Holiday Season
The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted us all. The financial impact on those who are currently unable to work or who have lost their employment is particularly significant.
Food Banks and Community Organizations across the island of Montreal are available for families and individuals in need of nutritional support, housing assistance and other support services. Please see below for their contact information and operating hours:
For information pertaining to family support, food needs, housing assistance and more,
call 211. The service is available daily from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
The service is FREE and CONFIDENTIAL.
For a complete list of food banks, click on the links below:
Additional Support During the Holidays for the EMSB Community
In order to ensure that our students receive enough nutritional support this holiday season and during the period of school closure, we encourage you to reach out to the principal of your child’s school should you require assistance. They will be able to supplement the services of community organizations and food banks by ensuring that additional meals are provided to your child.
Parents can send an email to before December 22, 2020, 4 p.m.
Reporting Positive COVID-19 Test Results from December 19 to January 3
To declare a positive COVID-19 test result from December 19 to January 3 (including weekends) for a student or employee, please visit the link below for more information and to access the declaration form that must be filled out.
Click here to view the procedures for reporting of COVID cases during the holidays
Reminder of Health Measures for the Holiday Season
Visit the Quebec Government website by clicking on the link:
- Although travelling is strongly discouraged, should your children have to travel outside of Canada, please be reminded that the quarantine period before returning to school is 14 days.
- Please be reminded that we will not be providing students who return from travel with online instruction. In addition, we would like to remind parents that as per the directives from the MEQ:
- Only students who have been ordered to self-isolate following a positive result while in school will receive pedagogical services and/or assignments from their teachers.
Kindly keep these directives in mind when planning for travel during the holiday season. Furthermore, we ask that you periodically check your emails for updates or important information that may be issued by the School Board.
New Directives Regarding Physical Presence in Class
The government recently announced that exceptional measures will be taken in order to reduce the risks of spreading COVID‑19. To that effect, the number of class days in which students are physically present at school will be reduced.
Students in the youth and adult sectors will not be attending class in person from December 17 to January 10, inclusively. This measure is being applied for the health and safety of our students and staff while limiting the impact on student learning with the ultimate objective of keeping our schools open.
As per the Ministry directives, only Mackay/PEL school will remain open during this time.
Availability of Emergency Daycare Services
On December 17 and 18 and from January 4 to 10, regular daycare services will be suspended and only emergency daycare services will be provided for the children of parents who hold jobs that are on the list of essential services entitling them to emergency daycare services.
In accordance with government recommendations for limiting the risks of spreading the virus, these services should only be used by parents who are entitled to them and for whom it is the only option allowing them to report to work. Therefore, families with one parent at home—even if that parent is teleworking—should avoid using these services.
Need A Certificate of English Eligibility; Book an Appointment Online!
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the EMSB Law 101 office has been operating by appointments only as walk-ins are no longer accepted.
We have recently launched an online booking tool to make your appointments. As such, the public is no longer required to call the Law 101 office to book their appointments to apply for a certificate of eligibility.
Should you wish to apply for a certificate of eligibility, appointments can now be booked through the EMSB website through the Admissions page.
You can visit the page directly by clicking the following link: